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St Paul's Church & the Owners
of Woodhouse Grange

by Graham Fisher & Maggie Morland

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Christopher Theophilus Parker

Built ‘Woodhouse Grange’, Brand Hill, (now ‘The Grange’) in around 1887, according to his cipher in a stained glass window.

His family were hosiery manufacturers, employing many workers in London and ‘Hine & Parker’, Woodgate, Loughborough. The company probably later became known as ‘Braund’ and operated until the 1950s.

In 1877 he purchased land on Clarence Street, Loughborough for hosiery manufacturing premises.

A prominent member of the community, he almost certainly worshipped at St Paul’s.

In 1896 he married Mary Elizabeth Hole of Quorn Lodge and moved there. When she died in 1929, he installed electric lighting in St Bartholomew’s Church, Quorn in her memory. He died in 1938. They are both buried in the family plot there

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Stained glass window at the Grange

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Initials of Christopher Theophilus Parker in stained glass

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The Grange

Alfred Adderly

By 1901 ‘Woodhouse Grange’ had been sold to Alfred Adderly aged 68, M D of drapers Adderly & Co., with premises in Leicester (later became a branch of Marshall & Snelgrove). The Leicester Journal, 20th December 1878 announced: “Alfred Adderly and Company are showing a beautiful collection of the following fresh novelties, just bought for Christmastide and New Year's gifts. Kid gloves - fur tops. Kid gloves - spring tops. Kid gloves - fleecy lined. Evening gloves silk and kid...”

He and his wife Elizabeth lived in the house with four domestic servants.

Alfred was a prominent figure at St Paul’s Church and a member of the Committee set up to progress and fund the installation of the clock and bells as a memorial to Queen Victoria.

He died on October 21
st 1911 and is buried in St Paul’s churchyard.

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The Grange, front elevation