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Progress Timeline: Chancel Repair and Heritage Projects

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March: 2nd round funding application to Heritage Lottery Funds submitted.

June: Heritage Lottery Fund awards funds for the projects.

July: Contract signed with preferred repair company.
‘Second Round’ Press release sent to many local publications.

August : Volunteers introductory meeting at church, monthly meetings planned.
Charitable funds granted and public donations to the church continue.
Bat surveys undertaken, no bats roosting inside church.
Regular “open church” Saturday teas and cake afternoons commence
Contractors on site, scaffolding and protective metal sheeting raised.
Volunteers researching heritage topics now underway.

September: Plaster removed to expose real extent of chancel subsidence damage.
Channels drilled in walls for Cintec Anchors.
Water floods through walls during drilling and mould grows.

October: 20 Stainless steel Cintec anchor rods etc inserted into walls.
Around 1,500 Victorian floor tiles rescued from the floor.
Volunteer behind the scenes visit to Leicestershire Records Office.
Limecrete Chancel floor extension started for access ramp construction.
4 areas of chancel roof tiles removed.
“Hard hat” site visits for volunteers etc.
Corroded steel window lintels found in vestry.
Crack repair with steel wires and slate packing etc commences.
Consultant historian support secured.
Roof tiles replaced.
Choir pew cut down to enable the ramp to be fitted

November: The rusted metal lintels in the vestry are replaced with concrete
The wooden Chancel roof is attached by steel straps to the body of the church for support.
The Chancel limestone steps are replaced with new stone added
Pointing externally undertaken
Guttering is replaced on the Chancel
Victorian Floor tiles, as laid in the original church (from under the carpet) are cleaned by hand for relaying
Holes for Cintec Anchor poles are filled and hidden

December: Floor tiles are re-laid on the new Chancel floor, the old original sections from under the carpet and the old row on the step
Replica Minton tiles ordered from Ironbridge
The plastic protective "tent" is removed from the Chancel so the Chancel can be seen from the church
Sandstone from Staffordshire carved to fill gaps in stonework externally and internally
Wooden ramp and handrail are constructed
Defects in walls post repair are filled with lime with a synthetic fibre to hold it together
The Lady Chapel, Chancel and vestry are decorated with specialist Keim paint
The workmen's cabin is removed
Final touching up and snagging are undertaken
2 day deep clean undertaken to remove builders dust etc
Stone Edge move off site 23rd December,
they will return to finish the tiling and some final stonework in January


January: Tiles (Minton replica) on order from Ironbridge, tiling to be completed once available
Additional Staffordshire sandstone inserts required internally to Hope window alcove
Dangerous ridge on base of ramp to be rectified
Damaged choir stall lights to be repaired or replaced
Paint on vestry walls peeling off
Storage solution for vestry to be quoted for
Fitted red carpet for vestry to be quoted for
Hope window to be re-instated
All Chancel windows to be cleaned and metal grills fitted
Heritage project materials to be submitted by researchers

February: Hope window re-instated with extra lead to allow for gap at the top following distortion during subsidence
Chancel windows cleaned
Ramp problems and new tiles and broken/loose ramp rail still to sort
Mould on walls in vestry raising off paint, must allow to dry before redecorating
Rescued tiles still dirty from glue and lying under carpet etc
Planning for banners, open church events and Heritage Exhibition active
Several groups planning to visit church in next few months, visits to plan
Handed in research to be sorted and remaining items chased
New choir stall lights required following damage during repairs
Flooding of organ not impairing function but £1,000 to sort it out, insurance paid out and only £100 excess to pay

March: St George’s Chapel painted and prepared for permanent boards
Final repairs to ramp and improved bottom edge for it completed
New reproduction Minton tiles from Ironbridge laid in gap on chancel floor with rescued black and tiny patterned tiles between
Rescued tiles still dirty, cleaned again
Walls of vestry scraped and re painted after mould recurrence
Choir stall lights to be replaced (damaged during repairs) -awaited
Organ repair awaited
Architect visits church for final review of work.

April: Organ repair